Category: Uncategorized

Activist Disha Ravi And Toolkit – Democracy At Its Best!

21 year old, Fridays For Future – India – head, Disha Ravi, got recently arrested for editing the potentially anti-India toolkit, tweeted by Greta Thunberg to mobilize farmer protests. Delhi Police in a Twitter Statement said the toolkit document’s call was to “wage an economic, social, cultural, and regional war against India,” and it’s the […]

Farmer Protests: TAYness Beyond Right & Wrong!

So before we start to have a 360-degree view, allow me to explain what “TAYness” stands for. As you can already guess it’s “The Awakened Youth – ness.” What exactly it means? “The Awakened Youth ‘The’ implies its unique. ‘Awakened’ implies to rise from sleep. Well, what does that mean? Who exactly sleeping and why […]

India (and world) from the eyes of an awakened youth

In this blog, I’ll provide accurate information and the information guiding you to the right way of thinking, information about what’s up around the world, and in India as a preference. Justice is not just about having equal opportunities for growth, but it’s about the protection of one’s own sovereignty – which is sacred – […]