Author: PrinceManayBora

Why must India celebrate the Bronze only?

Importance of Sports Sports keep pepole healthy without having to go to gym. They are fun and entertaining. They keep the nation united. They are the great source of money for governments, brands, and even common people. Why is India’s Olympic medal tally lower than that of many countries with a similar or poorer economy? According to […]

Pegasus Spyware & Project Explained

Indian Government won’t stop troubling journalists and dissenters. This time they didn’t even leave their own party members. Pegasus is a spying software (aka Spyware) exclusively made by Israeli company NSO for the purpose of empowering governments to fight terrorism and crime. They do not sell it to anyone other than governments. However, it has […]

Defection, Internal Party Conflicts, and Their Potential Harms!

The point of being of a particular political party is that you are genuinely concerned about particular ideologies and how they affect people. If you don’t stick to that, you’re being hypocritical at best. We live in a country where anti-defection law exists anyway. Three cases that make for major eye rolls: Case-1: BJP to […]