Tag: #humanrights

Pegasus Spyware & Project Explained

Indian Government won’t stop troubling journalists and dissenters. This time they didn’t even leave their own party members. Pegasus is a spying software (aka Spyware) exclusively made by Israeli company NSO for the purpose of empowering governments to fight terrorism and crime. They do not sell it to anyone other than governments. However, it has […]

Farmer Protests: TAYness Beyond Right & Wrong!

So before we start to have a 360-degree view, allow me to explain what “TAYness” stands for. As you can already guess it’s “The Awakened Youth – ness.” What exactly it means? “The Awakened Youth ‘The’ implies its unique. ‘Awakened’ implies to rise from sleep. Well, what does that mean? Who exactly sleeping and why […]