Defection, Internal Party Conflicts, and Their Potential Harms!

For those who will rather listen

The point of being of a particular political party is that you are genuinely concerned about particular ideologies and how they affect people.
If you don’t stick to that, you’re being hypocritical at best.

We live in a country where anti-defection law exists anyway.

Three cases that make for major eye rolls:

Case-1: BJP to TMC switch of senior politician Mukul Roy.

In this particular case, the minister by his nature is an effective election campaign manager. But he does not fit in the definition of a politician.

Case-2: Chattishgarh Congress – here Jitin Prasad left because he believed he will get more opportunities in BJP.

Anti Defection Law

Shashi Tharoor, in his article, said politics is not like a corporate job. It is a matter of values and principles. And not about getting continuous promotions and changing parties for that matter.

Sachin Pilot Case in Rajasthan: It’s been more than a year and still, there’s a show-off and hunger for power, if only they listen to the central leaders of their own party, things would be much better.

Of course, they want reputations and positions, but is it worth gaining over people’s well-being? It wastes time and distracts energy.

So am I saying there are no political incidents at all? Even if I say so it would not be realistic.

What can we do to call this cheapness out?

Ask questions – the conclusion we often come to. Ask these ministers what made their hearts turn 360 degrees. How can we trust that they stand for something?

Something to ponder about.

Share this article if you think that these acts deserve to be called out by the masses. Spread it enough to let them know that we know. 😉

See ya in the next one!

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